Wednesday, February 25, 2015

365 Challenge - Week 8

Tonight I was multi tasking. Cooking dinner and working on this blog post at the same time. Dinner was just pierogies and streamed broccoli. Nothing fancy or time consuming. The kids were happily playing in the living room. Things quieted down a bit, and I assumed they went into their room. Then Brooke comes in and says "We made a mess in the bathroom." Oh shit! Literally. Or that's what I thought I was going to be getting into. Nope. I open the door and Harrison is sitting on the side of the tub holding onto the plunger like he just conquered the toilet. There's water covering the entire bathroom floor, and more is overflowing from the toliet every second. I breathed a sigh of relief and thought WTF?! at the same time.

In the 5-10 minutes it took me to get dinner ready, they managed to feed a whole roll of toilet paper into the toilet and flood their entire bathroom. Oh the joys of almost 3 year olds x2. Thank goodness for my steam cleaner or I'm pretty sure I would have needed every towel in our whole house. Is it bedtime beer time yet?

 2.19.2015 - a style of her own

2.20.2015 - game night

2.21.2015 - dental health education

2.22.2015 - future chef

2.23.2015 - Brookie duck

 2.24.2015 - playing with putty

2.25.2015 - making new friends

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